NordiCHI 2002 in cooperation with

ACM, first society in computing. Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, interaction design in Denmark, co-founder of NordiCHI Sveriges Tvärvetenskapliga Intresseförening För Människa-Datorinteraktion. Organiser of the first NordiCHI conference Centre for Human-Machine Ineraction, a reserch centre funded by the Danish Basic Research Foundation University of Aarhus, faculty of science is a financial sponsor of the NordiCHI 2002 conference
Centre for Pervasive Computing Alexandra Institutet A/S Aarhus Amt IT-University of Western Denmark IT-University of Copenhagen
SIGCHI Finland ry - suomalainen ihmisen ja tietotekniikan vuorovaikutuksen osaajien yhdistys Faggruppen for Brukervennlige IT-systemer West Sweden CHI, based in Göteborg The IEEE Computer Society chapter in Iceland The British HCOI group - A Specialist Group of the British Computer Society
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