Panel: What is Nordic about NordiCHI?

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Is there a Nordic perspective on HCI?

NordiCHI is one of many HCI conferences and we initiated this panel to discuss if NordiCHI is the Nordic CHI or if it is the CHI conference located to the Nordic countries. Is there a Nordic tradition in HCI like there is a Scandinavian design tradition? Do we need a Nordic tradition in interaction design like there is a Scandinavian tradition of user-centred design. How can we think about the Nordic in NordiCHI – and should we?

Mikael Wiberg (Umeå University, Sweden) leads the discussion with the panellists:

  • Virpi Roto (Aalto University, Finland)
  • Elina Eriksson (KTH, Sweden)
  • Nanna Inie (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  • Suhas Joshi (Oslo University, Norway)
  • Jan Gulliksen (KTH, Sweden & NordiCHI Foundation)
  • Yvonne Dittrich (IT University of Copenhagen)
  • Marta Larusdottir (Reykjavik University)