WS11: Thinking Outside the (Tool) Box: Empowering People with Toolkits

Sunday 30 September 2018
Pradthana Jarusriboonchai, Janis Lena Meissner, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Ben Schouten

Location: Informatics building: perl

Recent trends within the HCI community have called for designing digital technologies that empower users. Several toolkits have been designed and introduced to broad groups of people, promoting DIY-making of interactive artefacts. The HCI community often highlights the novelty of toolkits and their potential to create different creations. However, these are not the only factors for a toolkit to be successful in a community. This one-day workshop offers a space for researchers, designers, and practitioners to share their insights and interests in designing and using DIY/making toolkits in different communities. The overarching goal of the workshop is to identify key challenges and practices that lead to success or failure in using and sustaining toolkits in different communities. During the workshop, we will discuss and highlight uses of toolkits, reflect on of their success and/or failure when deployed in communities, and how we would do differently.