NordiCHI 2002 programme



Saturday 19/10 - (IT-Parken, Åbogade 34, Århus N.)

9:00-18:00 Tutorial 1: Usability design - integrating user-centred systems design in the software development process
14:00-18:00 Tutorial 2: Introduction to Interaction Design
9:00-18:00 Workshop 2: Procuring usable systems: Key issues for systems development
9:00-18:00 Workshop 3: Bridging the gap between field studies and design
9:00-13:00 Workshop 4: Human-computer interaction and e-learning
14:00-18:00 Workshop 5: Student-centred HCI teaching

Sunday 20/10 - (IT-Parken)

9:00-18:00 Tutorial 3: Structuring the User Interface Design Process - Bridging the gap between contextual information and the final user interface
9:00-18:00 Tutorial 4: A Cognitive Approach to Interactive System Design
9:00-13:00 Tutorial 5: Designing Highly Usable Wireless Services for the Next Generation Devices and Networks
9:00-18:00 Workshop 8: Defining quantitative usability requirements
9:00-18:00 Doctoral Colloquium
14:00-18:00 Exhibition at the Centre for Pervasive Computing and the Alexandra Institute.
18.00-21.00 Informal get together and reception sponsored by the Centre for Pervasive Computing and the Alexandra Institute.

Monday 21/10 - (Kongreshuset, Amailegade 23, Århus C.)

9:00-10:00 Conference Registration at Kongreshuset

Opening keynote: Mihai Nadin - "Where is the HUMAN in HCI? From reaction to anticipation".

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Paper Session 1
Steve Howard, Jennie Carroll, John Murphy & Jane Peck.
Using ‘Endowed Props’ In Scenario-Based Design.
Susanne Bødker & Ole Sejer Iversen
Staging a Professional Participatory Design Practice - Moving PD beyond the Initial Fascination of User Involvement
Timo Jokela
Making User-Centred Design Common Sense: Striving for An Unambiguous and Communicative UCD Process Model
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Short Paper presentations
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Paper Session 2
I. Scott MacKenzie
Mobile Text Entry Using Three Keys
Janet C. Read, Stuart MacFarlane & Chris Casey
Oops! Silly me! Errors in a Handwriting Recognition based Text Entry Interface for Children
Konrad Tollmar & Joakim Persson
Understanding Remote Presence
19:00-?? Reception at Aarhus City Hall

Tuesday 22/10 - (Kongreshuset)


Keynote lecture: Bodil Jönson - "Enabling communication".

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Paper Session 3
Klaus Bærentsen & Johan Trettvik
An Activity Theory Approach to Affordance
Henrik Artman
Procurer Usability Requirements: Negotiations in Contract Development
Lai-Chong Law & Ebba Thora Hvannberg
Complementarity and Convergence of Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Test: A Case Study of UNIVERSAL Brokerage Platform
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Paper Session 4
Maria Normark
Sense-making of an emergency call - possibilities and constraints of a computerized case file
Nick Bryan-Kinns & Fraser Hamilton
One for all and all for one? Case studies of using prototypes in commercial projects
Janni Nielsen, Torkil Clemmensen & Carsten Yssing
Getting access to what goes on in people’s heads? - Reflections on the think-aloud technique
14:30-16:00 Demonstrations and aesthetic artefacts presentations.
Short Paper presentations.
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Paper Session 5
Olle Bälter & Candace L. Sidner
Bifrost Inbox Organizer: Giving users control over the inbox
Ana Zanella, Sheelagh Carpendale & Mike Rounding
On the Effects of Viewing Cues in Comprehending Distortions
Samuli Pekkola
Critical Approach to 3D Virtual Realities for Group Work
19:00-?? Conference dinner at Centralværkstedet

Wednesday 23/10 - (Kongreshuset)


Keynote lecture: Turkka Keinonen - "Industrial interaction or interactive industrial - the merging of design disciplines"

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Paper Session 6
Tomas Sokoler & Håkan Edeholt
Physically Embodied Video Snippets Supporting Collaborative Exploration of Video Material During Design Sessions
Hilko Donker, Palle Klante & Peter Gorny
The Design of Auditory User Interfaces for Blind Users
Lars Hallnäs, Linda Melin & Johan Redström
Textile Displays: Using Textiles to Investigate Computational Technology as Design Material
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Paper Session 7
Giulio Iacucci, Carlo Iacucci & Kari Kuutti
Imagining and experiencing in design, the role of performances
Sara Eriksén
Designing for Accountability
Tore Urnes, Åsmund Weltzien, Anne Zanussi, Solveig Engbakk & Julie Kleppen Rafn
Pivots and Structured Play: Stimulating Creative User Input in Concept Development
14:30-15:00 Conference Closing
15:00-15:30 Coffee and Goodbye
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